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تحميل التطبيق الرسمي لموسوعة الآجري

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الإبلاغ عن مشكلة في المنتدى

تساعدنا البلاغات الواردة من الأعضاء على منتدى الآجري في تحديد المشكلات وإصلاحها في حالة توقف شيء ما عن العمل بشكل صحيح.
ونحن نقدّر الوقت الذي تستغرقه لتزويدنا بالمعلومات عبر مراسلتنا على بريد الموقع ajurryadmin@gmail.com
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فهرسة جميع الشروح المتوفرة على شبكة الإمام الآجري [مبوبة على حسب الفنون] أدخل يا طالب العلم وانهل من مكتبتك العلمية

بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله -صلى الله عليه - وعلى آله ومن ولاه وبعد :

فرغبة منا في تيسير العلم واشاعته بين طلابه سعينا لتوفير جميع المتون وشروحها المهمة لتكوين طلبة العلم ، وقد قطعنا شوطا لابأس به في ذلك ولله الحمد والمنة وحده ، إلا أنه إلى الآن يعاني بعض الأعضاء والزوار من بعض الصعوبات في الوصول للشروح والمتون المرادة لتداخل الشروح أو لقلة الخبرة التقنية .

من أجل هذا وذاك جاء هذا الموضوع ليكون موضوعا مرجعا جامعا مرتبا بإذن الله لكل المواد العلمية الموضوعة حاليا في شبكتنا ومرتبا على حسب أبواب الفنون العلمية (العقيدة، الفقه، الحديث،...)وسنحاول أيضا ترتيبها على مستويات الطلب (المبتدئ ، المتوسط ، المنتهي) سيتم تحديثه تبعا بعد إضافة أي شرح جديد .

من هـــــــــــنا
شاهد أكثر
شاهد أقل

Questions for christians

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • [English] Questions for christians

    Questions for christians

    O Christ-worshippers! We want an answer to our question

    If the Lord was murdered by some people’s act, what kind of god is this
    Was he pleased by what they did to Him
    If yes, so glad tidings for they since they achieved his pleasure
    But if he was displeased with what they did to him, then this means that their power had subjugated his power

    And, was the whole entity left without a God that answers the prayers
    Were the heavens vacated, when He laid under the ground somewhere
    Were all the worlds left without a God, to manage, while His hands were nailed
    Why did not the angels help Him, when they heard him while he wailed
    How could the rods (of the cross) stand to bear the True Lord when He was fastened
    How could the irons reached Him and had His body pinned
    How could His enemies' hands reach Him and slap His rear
    Then, was Christ revived by himself, or was the Reviver another god
    What a sight it was, a grave that enclosed a god
    Stranger still is the belly that confined Him

    He stayed there for nine months in utter darkness, fed by blood
    Then he got out of the womb as a small baby,weak and gasping to be breast-fed

    He ate and drank, and did what that naturally resulted, Is this what you call a god
    High Exalted be Allah above the lies of Christians, all of them will be held accountable for their libels
    O Cross-worshippers! For what reason is this exalted and blame [is cast upon those] who reject it
    Is it not logical to break and burn the cross, along with the one who innovated it
    Since the Lord was crucified on it, and his hands were fastened to it

    That is really a cursed cross to carry, so discard it, do not kiss it
    The Lord was abused on it, and you adore it
    So it is clear that you are one of His enemies

    If you extol it because it carried the Lord of the worlds, so why don’t you prostrate yourself and worship graves since the grave contained your god in it
    So, Christ-worshipper, wake up
    This is his beginning and this is his end

    These questions were translated from an Arabic poem of Ibn al Qayyim

    The source

